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Saturday, February 10, 2018
The heartbeat Bill, by Rachel Mary Guy

Huge Development-Heartbeat Bill
The heartbeat bill (H.R. 490) if passed will most definitely change the course of this nation. The heartbeat bill is sponsored by Representative Steve King of Iowa. The bill was considered Wednesday, November 1st, for the full Judiciary Committee, and it is now in the subcommittee. There has not been any huge movement for this bill. This bill is the first heartbeat bill to be introduced at the Federal Level. This bill would make an abortion illegal once the heartbeat would be detectable. Most women do not find out they are pregnant until after the heartbeat has started and therefore this will impact the abortion mills. If made into a law, HR 490, would shut down every abortion clinic as when girls find out they are pregnant their baby’s heart has already started beating. This bill has no exceptions. Sadly often times there are exceptions in legislation which means that in a certain situation the law doesn’t apply to particular children to be saved from abortion. Therefore this bill has demonstrated to the subcommittee that we in the pro-life movement will never make exceptions in the fight to acknowledge that ALL life is intrinsically valuable and worth protecting.
I spoke to a man in Congressman Steve King’s office. Congressman King is the sponsor of the heartbeat bill. There is such a call to action for all of us to raise up our voices and share with our congressmen that we support HR 490 and want to see this become a law.
Imagine knowing that millions of lives would be protected from the time of their heartbeat and shown the dignity of their life in society. Imagine a world that embraces every person. Imagine a world that does not discriminate against a people because of their location. If H.R. 490 were passed it would cause our nation to give protection to children as soon as there is a heartbeat. If abortion were ended at the heartbeat the Constitution would closely be restored. Our whole world will change forever!
Our pregnancy crisis centers, places where girls can come to be encouraged in the empowerment of Jesus Christ and the hope in choosing life for their child/children as a girl comes in to a pregnancy crisis center, the narrative will completely change. Our pregnancy resource centers will be honored by all OBGYNs.
Preborn children who are sick will always be safe. There are sick children who every day their lives are purposely ended because they are sick or have a “defect” such as cleft palate. Every child who has Down syndrome will never be aborted. Every child will never be seen as or treated as “a burden” or “try again” or not as worthy of fighting as their life will be seen as valuable. Medicine will be used to teach how to care for the children who are sick and they will also learn what medical care looks like for the preborn child. Every person in the medical field will treat the preborn child not as a part of the woman’s body but as a separate patient. The preborn deserve as much dignity and respect and as much vigor in fighting for their own life as their moms. Medicine will not be able to only see the woman as the patient in OB or GYN care. They will be taught to realize and hopefully their hearts will know that harming a child’s life purposely can’t solve the OB problem for the child or mother or father. If and hopefully when the preborn child is seen as a person under the law they will view the preborn as equally valuable as EVERY person in the womb will receive equal rights! Every preborn child will be treated on the same level of value and dignity as the mom. The preborn child will not be seen as less valuable as the mother. The preborn child will never be harmed by a doctor through abortion as they will be seen as much a patient as their mom. Medicine will never be able to give statistics that are incorrect as a tactic to have a parent feel they are backed into a wall and must abort. The medical field will not be able to get away with neglecting the preborn child of proper care because they will be seen as a person and a patient. The medical field will not have murder charges towards them or neglect of care for a preborn child they just let die because the preborn child will be protected under the law once the heartbeat is detected. The field of doctors in OBGYN and MFM will actually be taught in depth how to care for a child who is sick, and how to sustain their life. This law will change medicine.
And lastly, we will be extremely close to personhood toward the preborn being restored. Personhood is the understanding that the preborn child is a person from the moment of fertilization. Some may bring up the concept of SLED. SLED stands for size, location, environment and degree of dependency. The law will then recognize these as developmental stages not as a manner to redefine their personhood and not to dehumanize. A zygote, embryo, fetus, newborn and so on are all names of stages of every persons’ development. These are terms that describe every person’s stage of life. A purity will be shown toward the preborn in a world that needs desperately to honor those without a voice.
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